Air wash technology is getting space

By:Edmond Research and Development | 28/01/2024

In the quest for sustainability, the fashion industry has witnessed a significant breakthrough with the introduction of Air Wash technology. This innovative method has been gaining attention for its potential to revolutionize traditional garment washing processes. In this article, we explore the main advantages of Air Wash technology, particularly in terms of water consumption and energy usage. We'll also delve into the research behind this technology and highlight international fashion brands that have embraced Air Wash in their production processes and for specific product categories.

The development of Air Wash technology stems from a combination of textile engineering and environmental science research. Researchers have explored the use of high-velocity air to create an effective and resource-efficient garment washing process. The technology aims to strike a balance between achieving the desired aesthetic effects on fabrics and minimizing the environmental impact of traditional washing methods.

Advantages of Air Wash Technology:

Water Consumption Reduction:

Air Wash technology significantly minimizes water usage in garment washing processes. Traditional methods, such as stone washing or enzyme washing, require substantial amounts of water for rinsing and treating fabrics. Air Wash utilizes high-velocity air to propel tiny detergent particles onto garments, eliminating the need for excessive water usage. This reduction in water consumption addresses one of the major environmental concerns associated with conventional clothing production.

Energy Efficiency:

Traditional garment washing processes involve extensive energy consumption, especially in water heating and drying phases. Air Wash technology substantially reduces energy requirements by relying on air circulation for the washing and drying of garments. The elimination of water heating processes contributes to lower energy consumption, aligning with the fashion industry's growing commitment to sustainable practices.

Several forward-thinking fashion brands have recognized the potential of Air Wash technology and integrated it into their production processes. Notable examples include:


Levi's, a pioneer in denim production, has explored Air Wash technology as part of its Water<Less™ initiative. This initiative aims to minimize water usage throughout the denim finishing process, and Air Wash plays a crucial role in achieving this goal.


Outdoor apparel brand Patagonia has also embraced Air Wash technology in the production of certain garment categories. The brand's commitment to environmental responsibility aligns with the water and energy-saving features of this innovative washing method.


The worldwide leading apparel Brand has recently announced its revolutionary Guess AirwashTM technology, for which the brand has an exclusive license. Its key innovation is Airwash, which Guess boasts uses zero stones and no toxic chemicals, reduces water use by 80%, and conserves energy. In effect, this new technology replaces the use of pumice stones with light and air.

Air Wash technology represents a pivotal advancement in the fashion industry's journey towards sustainability. By significantly reducing water consumption and energy usage in garment washing processes, this innovation addresses key environmental concerns associated with traditional production methods. As more international fashion brands adopt Air Wash technology, it signals a positive shift towards more eco-conscious and responsible practices within the industry. The ongoing research and implementation of such technologies underscore the commitment of the fashion industry to creating a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future.

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